(Emma Fiala) A chemical found in the breast milk of humans can help break tumors up into smaller fragments which the body can then rid itself of via urine.
Research Reveals How Sugar CAUSES Cancer
(Sayer Ji) Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a simple reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease — hence their burgeoning growth, packed rooms, and ‘return customers.’
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An 81-year-old Man Used CBD Oil – His Tumor Shrunk by as Much as 50 Percent
(Edsel Cook) After learning that he had lung cancer, a senior citizen rejected conventional cancer therapies. Instead, the 81-year-old patient took cannabidiol (CBD) oil for three months. The herbal medicine successfully shrunk the tumorous growth in his left lung.
Victory: Johnson Johnson Ordered to Pay $300 Million in Talc Cancer Case
(Ethan Huff) In a landmark decision, a New York state jury has decided that Johnson & Johnson (J&J) must compensate a woman who claims she was harmed by the company’s talc baby powder products, which we earlier reported have been identified as being contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos.
Amazon Removes Documentary Films Showing Better Ways to Fight Disease
(Erin Elizabeth) Amazon Prime Video has quietly been removing films from its library that deal with vaccines and cancer treatment. Most recently (May 30th, 2019) Cancer Can Be Killed, Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up, and Behind the Fear: The Hidden Story of HIV. Cancer Can Be Killed was completely wiped off the site presumably because the reviews were so good, the evidence had to be destroyed before anyone could see them.
Fourth Carcinogen Found In “Widely Prescribed” Blood Pressure Medicine
(Zerohedge) A fourth cancer-causing compound was found in widely prescribed blood pressure pills, according to a new report by Bloomberg. The solvent dimethylformamide was discovered in the drug valsartan, manufactured by several companies including Novartis, by an online pharmacy, Valisure.
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Doctor and Author of 19 Books Says Vaccines are an “Assault With a Deadly Weapon”
(Pixie Forest) Doctor Coldwell talks about the HPV vaccine and why he considers it an “assault with a deadly weapon” He is the author of 19 books including ‘The Only Answer to Cancer’ and ‘The Only Answer to Surviving Your Illness and Your Doctor’
Doctor Tells All About GMO Food & Soil Health — MUST KNOW Information for Natural Healing in the Modern Age
(Simon J Hill) In Episode 67 I sit down with Dr Zach Bush, Endocrinologist and Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, and discuss how our food system is getting things so wrong. We deep dive into the use of herbicides like Glyphosate, the catastrophic damage modern farming practices are causing and where the solutions lie.
Dogs Can Sniff Out Cancer With 97 Percent Accuracy, Study Shows
(Elias Marat) It’s no secret that dogs love to sniff around. Take your dog for a walk and chances are they’ll spend most of their time sniffing about, using their storied olfactory abilities to take in as much of the world around them as possible.
Alkalinity and Oxygen Levels: Is There a Connection Between Ph Levels and Cancer Risk?
(Edsel Cook) Several studies show that pH levels of the human body exert an effect on the risk of cancer. People who desire to avoid cancer should strive to maintain their pH levels at slightly alkaline quality instead of letting it drop to acidic levels, which can encourage the rapid growth of tumors.
Mayo Clinic Doctor: Measles is a Natural Cancer killer — Why Are We Trying to Eradicate It?
(Bryan Hubbard) Health authorities may want to think twice about eradicating measles: researchers are discovering that the virus can fight cancer, and in one case dissolved a golf ball-sized tumor in just 36 hours.
Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body
(Dr. Leonard Coldwell) Everybody feels negative emotions once in a while, but these emotions have a stronger effect on your health than you may realize. Every time you think about regrets, experience resentment or replay bad memories in your head, your body suffers just as much as your mind. That’s why harboring negative emotions can lead to devastating long-term disease.
Researchers Discover Natural Compound that Kills Cancer
(Will Justice) Cancer is a ruthless disease that leaves nothing but destruction in its wake. It is aggressive and very few compounds on the planet are known to keep it at bay.
Killed by The Deep State? | Grammy-Nominee, Making Documentary on ‘Cure for Cancer and AIDS’, Murdered in Broad Daylight
(Matt Agorist) After announcing that he was making a documentary that could bring down the medical industrial complex, Grammy-nominated rapper, Nipsey Hussle was gunned down.
Researchers: Hair Dyes Have a Direct Connection to Breast Cancer
(Tracey Watson) Though dying their locks might seem like an absolute necessity for many women as they get older and the gray starts setting in, new research from Finland should give women everywhere pause, as it indicates that this apparently harmless beauty ritual could be linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer.