(Garion Frankel) A novel disease has been ravaging the eastern United States in 2021, and it isn’t COVID-19.
Thousands of Birds Dive-bomb into Homes and Attack People in Santa Cruz, California (Video)
(Strange Sounds) Yes! It seems that ‘The Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock is inspired by a very real weird phenomenon that occurred in Santa Cruz, California in 1961.
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There Were so Many Birds Falling out of the Sky That We Didn’t Know What Was Going on in Philadelphia
(Strange Sounds) Stephen Maciejewski dropped to a knee on a Center City sidewalk Wednesday morning and gently scooped up a yellow-billed cuckoo that had smashed into a skyscraper and died on its way to Central America or the West Indies.
Fear Explodes Across Europe as Thousands of Birds Drop Dead From the Sky
(Strange Sounds) 200 ducks in Denmark, hundreds of herons in Turkey, thousands of swallows and swifts in Greece, 1000 starlings in Rome… Birds literally fall dead from the sky, and nobody knows why.
And About Those Birds Dropping Dead From the Sky…
(Joseph P. Farrell) While various platforms are rushing around censoring any mention of potential connections of [ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY REFERENCE CENSORED] to [THE STORY THAT EVERYONE IS SICK OF HEARING ABOUT WHICH HAS BEEN CENSORED], J.H. found an intriguing paper that indicates that my hypothesis about those sudden bird deaths being due to electromagnetic tests of some sort may be true.
North America’s Bird Population Is Collapsing – Nearly 3 Billion Wiped Out Since 1970
(Michael Snyder) All around us, our world is literally in a state of collapse, but most people don’t seem to care. I spend much of my time writing about the inevitable collapse of our economic and financial systems, but they are only one part of the story. These days, millions upon millions of us are spending countless hours in this “virtual world” that we have created, and that is preventing many of us from understanding what is really going on in “the real world”.