This Raw Data can be distilled for its truth but only if you take up your true freedom and use your inner discernment. Ben has been ‘wrong’ about things in the past, but not all his data is disinformation. – Justin Source At a meeting between cabal representatives and the White Dragon Society yesterday (September […]
benjamin fulford
Benjamin Fulford – September 23, 2013: Gold is just a yellow metal that you cannot eat
Source There has been a lot of frenetic activity in the past week and a lot more turbulence is expected over the coming days as the death throes of the corporate so-called government of the United States continue. There is also so much fog and disinformation surrounding this event that good old fashioned analogue reporting […]
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Karen Hudes Replies To Benjamin Fulford – Reported By ‘Intruth’ – 18 September 2013
Nice find Lucas of Source ( Lucas : I have not posted Fulford anymore but the interesting conversations here in this article between Hudes and Fulford made me post this article as it shows a bit how claims are made by divers factions and the best part is, you and I can not verify […]
David Wilcock Updates Via Ben Fulford Blog – September 17, 2013
Thank you for posting this. What all this means I can not say. Ensure you are using your tools for inner discernment and incorporating your personal experience into the data, this prevents you from accepting beliefs into your reality which could control you if un processed. – Justin Source Enerchi over at the Ascension with […]
Benjamin Fulford: P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money
Source The battle over the control of the right to print and distribute dollars, Euros and many other currencies is down to a few factions, according to multiple sources involved in the fight. In Italy, Pope Francis and his faction have won a major power struggle and as a result, the P2 Freemason lodge is […]
Benjamin Fulford interviewed by Aaron Wilson on 9/12/13
Thanks Angel Lucci of for posting this. Source Posted from: Aaron Wilson’s YouTube Channel Published on Sept. 12, 2013 Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved. For the record it’s 9/13/12 in Japan while this is recorded. This is a great interview. Source:
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Benjamin Fulford: Fear and hate palpable as final cabal take-down continues
Source Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the Washington politicians enough rope to hang themselves with since it is […]
Benjamin Fulford – 3 Sep 13: Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA
Source The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government. Fortunately for us all, the plot […]
Benjamin Fulford: Latest attempt to start world war 3 in Syria a sign of cabal desperation, August 27, 2013
Thank you for posting this. Source Thank you Alfred Webre for the heads up… We hope Ben had a good vacation. I share the sentiment of deep shame that my homeland, Canada, has been infiltrated by the cabal and continues to support the USA in their terrorism. I never thought I would see the day. […]
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American Kabuki: Benjamin Fulford mentions OPPT Published on Aug 12, 2013 This is The Link to purchase Benjamin Fulford Videos Please Help the cause. – There will be no more free Videos from – – This was a Sample Only – (22 Days Old when posted) The one sample on the site makes one think that all the videos will be similar […]