(Benjamin Fulford) The secret battle for the planet earth is intensifying as the white hats and the remaining Satanists struggle over the control of an upcoming financial black swan event. Asian Secret Society and Western military/intelligence white hat sources say no new system will be possible until the Satanists behind the fake Biden regime are removed. The Satanists for their part are trying both to assassinate opponents and sugarcoat their financial system reboot with bribes.
benjamin fulford
Benjamin Fulford — June 3rd, 2024: Donald Trump and Alex Soros fight to the death as US Corporation and Israel implode
(Benjamin Fulford)In what looks like a fight to the death over deck chairs on a sinking Titanic, Donald Trump and Alex Soros are now in a state of open warfare against each other. It is a good bet Soros, his Barack Obama house slave and their entire faction will lose the war. However, this will not stop the fact the US Corporation owes its’ people $200 trillion and the rest of the world $53.4 trillion and so will not be able to continue as is. Israel, meanwhile, is about to be taken over by Egypt and Turkey.
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Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — May 27th, 2024: Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
There is already an undeclared war being raged by the Black Dragon Society in Africa and Oceania against the KM, especially its French branch. That is why New Caledonia is on fire and why France has been tossed out of many of the African States with more to come.
Benjamin Fulford — May 27th, 2024: Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists
(Benjamin Fulford) The Khazarian Mafia is going on a worldwide murder spree directed at top government leaders in a desperate attempt to avoid war crimes tribunals. This has triggered a white hat response that includes bounties being placed on dozens of top KM war criminals.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — May 20th, 2024: Paper work for new international system being drawn up as Satanic rule implodes
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The video below is an example of how the KM hid their plans with predictive programming hidden in plain sight with the “conspiracy theory” label. That script was greenlit on a comedy show, they knew they could flaunt it, and nobody would believe it. You can hear the canned laughter being inserted into the show
Benjamin Fulford — May 20th, 2024: Paper work for new international system being drawn up as Satanic rule implodes
(Benjamin Fulford) Lawyers and bankers are drawing up documents for a new international system that will be phased in starting this autumn and going into 2025. This work is necessary because, if the details are not worked out properly, huge problems will emerge as things snowball into massive world changes. This fine-tuning requires time. What needs to be made clear though is that this is not going to be a transfer of power from one secret group to another, The new system will be handed over to the people so that “the meek shall inherit the earth.”
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Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — May 13th, 2024: Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
The video below is an example of how the KM hid their plans with predictive programming hidden in plain sight with the “conspiracy theory” label. That script was greenlit on a comedy show, they knew they could flaunt it, and nobody would believe it. You can hear the canned laughter being inserted into the show
Benjamin Fulford — May 13th, 2024: Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm
(Benjamin Fulford) The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports: “Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement by the expected deadline…the World Health Organization said on Friday.”
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — May 6th, 2024: The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin
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Benjamin Fulford — May 6th, 2024: The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin
(Benjamin Fulford) The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — April 29th, 2024: One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
Benjamin Fulford — April 29th, 2024: One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down
(Benjamin Fulford) The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — April 22nd, 2024: Fake US government buys a week of time with bitcoin fraud and by stealing Russian assets
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
If you still don’t think the entire Covid 19 vaccination plot was not an attempt at mass murder ask yourself why Covid 19 testing facilities display the mark of Anubis, the Egyptian god of death. Also, why does AstraZeneca mean “Weapon that kills.”
Benjamin Fulford — April 22nd, 2024: Fake US government buys a week of time with bitcoin fraud and by stealing Russian assets
(Benjamin Fulford) The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week’s survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling many people with real money to invest in a hallucination of their creation known as Bitcoin. They also stole money Russia earned by selling real products such as gas and oil. However, since the US corporation is burning through a trillion dollars every hundred days, it means the $95 billion bribery bill they just passed only bought them a little over a week of time.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — April 15th, 2024: Iran attacks Israel, brought to you by Coca Cola, Vanguard and BlackRock
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[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
At exactly the same time another KM slave, Justin Castrudeau, is passing a similar law that calls for criminal liability and a $25,000 fine for offensive statements against the LGBTQ community and protests against their promotion