(Sterling Nicole Bennett) I experienced one of my long overdue vivid dreams in which I found myself in a classroom. The teacher stood at the front of the class, her brown hair in a low bun, fringe framing her oval face. She wore a gray suit jacket with a white blouse, gray pencil skirt, and black pumps. Her glasses hung off of her nose. She was leaning on her desk with her arms crossed, reading from a book.
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Source – Sterling Nicole Bennett
by Sterling Nicole Bennett, April 11th, 2018
Recently, I spent a few days in mental agony unable to shake the question of my own sanity. I wasn’t able to quiet the anxious thoughts of, what if I’m crazy? Or, what if what I’m experiencing is actually a spiritual gift?
What if everyone labeled with schizophrenia or something like it is actually witnessing an intense spiritual experience? Could that many doctors be misdiagnosing patients? Might these voices really be auditory hallucinations? Or is that just another government control technique designed to terrify you of your own power?
Read all about this here.
After my darn near mental breakdown, I sat down with one of my best friends, Lauren. We talked about the paranoid thoughts I had been experiencing. She reassured me that she has seen her fair share of crazy and would never have agreed to meet with me if she thought I was in that category. Lauren reminded me of all the warnings I had experienced when researching the topics of spiritual communication, and to my astonishment, I was the perfect example of a cat being killed by curiosity. I had literally opened the floodgates of spirit, ignored the blaring alarms that warned of a flood, experienced the flood, and realized that I don’t know how to swim.
I went home that night and spent some time in meditation. Almost immediately, the floodgate opened. I could hear multitudes of people or beings all talking a the same time in different accents and characters. I snapped my fingers and laid down some rules. I demanded everyone shut up and stay out of my way unless called upon. They immediately did so respectively. I let them know that dream time is fair game, but when I’m awake I need to focus on living my life. Any messages can be received via astral communication. We had an understanding. Everything was good.
That night, I experienced one of my long overdue vivid dreams in which I found myself in a classroom. The teacher stood at the front of the class, her brown hair in a low bun, fringe framing her oval face. She wore a gray suit jacket with a white blouse, gray pencil skirt, and black pumps. Her glasses hung off of her nose. She was leaning on her desk with her arms crossed, reading from a book. She looked up at me as I woke up at my desk. There were only a handful of students in the classroom as if we were in some sort of after-school study hall, or with my luck, detention. The teacher informed me that I had agreed to have laser eye surgery and I just woke up from the anesthesia. First of all, I would never agree to have last minute eye surgery. I am absolutely terrified of letting anything near my eyes, especially not something that with one wrong move could blind me for life. And second of all, you don’t go under anesthesia for laser eye surgery. I began panicking, remembering that I was wearing contacts and asking questions about how getting laser eye surgery while wearing contacts was even possible. The teacher just stared at me. She looked bored, but she was probably annoyed. She tried to continue on with the class. I had much bigger issues than listening to her lecture. I spent a few hours (yes, hours) searching the classroom for cellphones in hopes of reaching my husband. All the phones I found were either dead or didn’t work. I was frustrated, but I had an overall sense that everything was okay.
The next thing I know, the scene changes. I’m in an old 70’s style home filled with people that in this reality are my friends. Long story short, I end up going through this portal to a dimension filled with a thick gel-like substance that looks like water with green algae across the surface. I wade across to a giant fountain in hopes of finding fresh water, but instead, the fountain is pumping the same gel-like substance. I am here for a long time. This place was very vivid to me, almost like I was actually in another dimension. Another plane of existence.
Then, the scene changes once more. I am driving on a landscape similar to the Grand Canyon, except instead of roads there are just dirt and rock paths winding through giant tunneled out geodes filled with earth colored crystals. I see a police car with their lights flashing behind me, and I take the next exit, pulling off of the road and into one of the hollowed out geodes. I watch as the police car drives past me to a car that was in front of me. I sit there, trying to align my GPS with wherever I was. I knew I was a long way from home. The police officer notices my struggle and circles around to help. She is wearing sunglasses and has red curly hair that is pulled into a low ponytail underneath her police cap. I explain my situation to her and she tells me to stay put while she walks out of the geode into the sunlight. She turns to me and says, “Don’t worry, kid, you won’t run out of air in here.” The last thing I was worried about was running out of air, until she said that. I was much more concerned with the possibility of an earthquake. She told me I was right outside of Murphy. I was shocked, “Murphy, Oklahoma?” That was way farther off track than I had anticipated. She looked at me, confused, probably thinking I thought I was still on earth which clearly I wasn’t.
After waking from this dream, it became clear to me that my guides had taken it upon themselves to perhaps dull my third eye in the classroom due to the fact I had become so overwhelmed psychically the days prior. They reminded me that I literally asked for the floodgate to be opened and they delivered upon my request. Then, when it was too much for me, they gladly threw me back into my old portal jumping dream-time sequences that I have missed so much. But hey, that’s just a theory.
About The Author
is a millennial on a mission to bridge the gap between mainstream entertainment and the disclosure community. Sterling has spent her life thus far studying and experiencing all things paranormal and metaphysical. Sterling is dedicated to sharing her awakening journey with the world, always learning and constantly growing. Her mission on this planet is to serve others by teaching them how to serve themselves.
“It’s not about where you go, it’s how you get there.”
Some of Sterling’s recent projects include: Youtube Channel , Appearances on Jimmy Church Radio Fade to Black, Interview about Psychic Connection and Astral Projection on Stillness in the Storm Show, working as a Conscious Agent for Stillness in the Storm, and Exclusive Interview about Blue Sphere Beings with Secret Space Program Insider Corey Goode.
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This article (Psychic Suppression from a Benevolent Place) originally appeared on SterlingNicoleBennett.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and sterlingnicolebennett.com are provided.
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