Between 1929 and 1974 more than 7,600 people were sterilized in North Carolina (NC) under the eugenics courts where some of the victims were as young as 10 and chosen for ludicrous reasons such as supposed promiscuity and not getting along with classmates.
During a recent hearing in the NC state senate, a budget proposal was approved that allocates $10 million to compensate families of those sterilized. A spending plan was introduced for one-time payments disbursed to those who make the claim.
Paul Stam, House Speaker Pro Tempore, said that “no amount that we can afford to pay is enough. But this is sufficient for the living victims to know that the state of North Carolina sincerely regrets the injustice that we’ve done to them.”
It is estimated that as many as 1,800 surviving residents that were sterilized may be eligible; although only 168 have come forward to make a claim against the state.
NC was one of 32 states that participated in the eugenics movement wherein selective breeding reserved for decidedly certain members of society was a prevalent idea and practice in the 1920s in America.
Indeed the Eugenics Board was known to approve sterilization for those brought to them from local welfare officials.
In NC, the Eugenics Board was dissolved in 1977 and those decisions were repealed in 2003.
During the time that the NCEB was operational, 7,600 residents of NC were sterilized with 85% being female and 40% non-white.
According to Eliane Riddock’s medical records, she was labeled “feebleminded” and promiscuous” by an eugenics board in Raleigh, North Carolina.
State Representative Larry Womble has been working since 2001 to have the eugenics law repealed. He feels that is the government is “powerful enough to perpetrate this on this society, they ought to be responsible, step up to the plate and compensate.”
Eugenics is an unscientific theory of the global Elite that gained footing in the early 1900’s. Eugenicists believe that poverty, promiscuity and even alcoholism are family genetic traits that can be curbed by sterilization. To make sure certain types do not procreate, and to keep the gene pool of society pure, if a person exhibited those traits, they would be sterilized.
America’s Elite were proponents of this theory.
Margaret Sanger, co-founder of Planned Parenthood was aeugenicist that believed that contraception could be used to manipulate the poor masses to voluntarily choose not to procreate. Yet, in the even that those undesirables did become pregnant, Sanger promoted abortion as a cure. She was hailed in the public’s eye as a courageous woman who stood up for women’s rights however Sanger’s goal was to assist the global Elite in depopulating the planet as quickly as possible. Her contribution was the successful Planned Parenthood.
Dr. Clarence Gamble of Proctor and Gamble and James Hanesof the Hanes hosiery corporation were also supporters of eugenics.
Hanes founded the Human Bettement League (HBL) that was solely devoted to the furtherance of the eugenics cause.
In NC, the focus of the eugenics program was poor blacks. Sanger believed that blacks and Hispanics were to be the main focal point of the eugenics agenda because she believed their genetics were the most unclean. Black girls as young as 9 – 13 were victims of this sterilization program.
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