(M.B. Mathews) Matt Walsh’s latest book, Church of Cowards. A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians rips contemporary Christians a new one. Before he discusses the theologically sound aspects of the Christian church in America, he takes many of them to task along with their perverse theology. He admonishes Christians for their craven cowardice in the face of woke liberalism and perverse sexual ideologies. Walsh’s justifiable diatribes are spot on. The Church in America must get aggressive about removing secularist practices. Among the complexities of the book, Walsh has this to say about pastors officiating at gay weddings:
Oscar Is Based on Egyptian God Ptah
(Neenah Payne) The star-studded 94th Academy Awards was held on March 27. All the glamorous nominees were hoping to go home with an Oscar. However, few people know what this coveted symbol stands for.
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The Four Cardinal Virtues, According to Lao-Tzu
(Exploring Your Mind) Lao-Tzu stated that there exist four cardinal virtues and they represent the path to inner peace. For this great philosopher, and for Taoism in general, such virtues are the way to achieve a full and meaningful life.
Catholic University Speaker Says White Students Should ‘Crucify Their Whiteness’
(Cullen Mccue) The Atkins Center for Ethics at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hosted an event titled “Rejecting White Christianity” on March 3. A guest speaker at the event, Miguel De La Torre, called for White Christians to “crucify” their “whiteness.”
The Myth of Hades, King of the Underworld
(Exploring Your Mind) The myth of Hades is inseparable from the concept of the Greek underworld. It was an underground place where the souls of the dead who ‘were able to pay the ferryman’ were taken. There, the god Hades exercised his power wisely.
The Pope is Being an Idiot Again
(Paul Joseph Watson) Another day, another braindead statement from Pope Francis.
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FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking
(Brian Shilhavy) Russ Winter of Winter Watch published an article earlier this month (December, 2021) about the FBI declassifying files on a CIA group called “The Finders” and the McMartin preschool Satanic child trafficking case in Los Angeles in the 1980s.
Doing Satan’s Work: Pentagon Orders Company to Stop Making Faith-Based Dog Tags (Video)
(Jim Hoft) The company has been making the tags for 20 years. But the Pentagon got one complaint and ordered the company to stop making the faith-based dog tags.
COVID and the Catholic Church
(Michael C. Hurley) I opened YouTube one morning recently, as usual, to hear another excellent homily by a hugely popular young Catholic priest from Canada. The title of this episode revealed that the latest COVID madness of requiring vaccine passports for attendance at Mass had just come to Quebec. And yet, as I heard the priest begin his rebuttal to this astonishing overreach, my heart sank.
Vatican Agency Directly Tied to Communist Group Pushing Pagan Worship, Abortion, Witchcraft
(Michael Hichborn) The Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion, contraception, homosexuality, transsexualism, and Communism are well established. Abortion was formally condemned in the very first catechism of the Catholic Church, called the Didache, and has remained formally-condemned as an act of murder throughout the entire history of the Church. Contraception has likewise been consistently condemned as an act, and formally so in the encyclicals Casti Connubii and Humanae Vitae. Homosexuality and transsexual practices were formally condemned in Holy Scripture in both the old and new Testaments, and have consistently been condemned throughout the Church’s history.
When We Die: The Role of Transition Teams
(Charles Whitfield, MD and Barbara Harris Whitfield, RT) Making one’s transition is so much bigger than any other ritual on this planet. Souls come in. Souls go out. Birth is a joyous event. Death is beyond our comprehension. We live in a material reality (3D) that limits our ability to experience the sacred and celebratory side of death (4-5D): the final passage from this reality to a nonphysical and eternal one.
“Satan’s Power Was Defeated Tonight” – High School Football Team Defies Godless School Board – Gathers for Team Prayer on Field Following Game (Video)
(Jim Hoft) The Putnam County school board warned students and coaches last week not to pray together following their football games.
CA Encourages Students to Pray to Cruel Aztec ‘Gods’ But Says No to Christian Prayers: Lawsuit
(C. Douglas Golden) A state’s public school curriculum contains prayer, so a new lawsuit seeks to take religion out of the classroom.
YouTube Censors Videos Asking for People to Pray for Healing from Coronavirus
(Arsenio Toledo) YouTube has expanded its policies regarding so-called Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “misinformation.” The popular video-sharing platform has now banned all videos that seek out prayer or faith healing against the coronavirus.
Guided Meditation and its Benefits
(Exploring Your Mind) Guided meditation gives you the opportunity to gradually immerse yourself in the practice of meditation. In this article, we take a look at it and give you an idea of some of the different resources you can use to try it out.