(Justin Deschamps) How do we as a people solve the problems of government corruption? This is a question that people have debated for likely all of human history. In the following article by Joe Martino, he suggests that a referendum would be a viable solution. And it is, from a lawful and spiritual perspective, as I will explain.
Belief Systems and the Power Of Authority
(Julian Wash) Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that adheres to the abstract nature of belief. Beliefs come in many shapes and sizes and yet all share something in common— they’re elusive and intangible.
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Sound Healing Therapy: 14 Mystical Instruments That Induce Profound Relaxation and Inner Quiet
(Aletheia Luna) The use of sound healing therapy is not just a new age phenomenon but extends back thousands of years into the ancient times where mystical instruments of all kinds were used to remedy illnesses and revive the spirit. From the Aboriginal use of the yidaki (or didgeridoo) to heal physical ailments, to the ancient oriental use of the gong for spiritual attunement, music therapy has been used in many cultures and traditions for thousands of years.
5 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself from Killer Chemtrails
(Will Justice) Your body is constantly under assault from the skies above. Chemtrails are known to release a countless number of dangerous toxins into the air – from nanoparticles to heavy metals like arsenic, aluminum and mercury.
25 Basic Life Skills That Should Be Taught in School (But Aren’t)
(Meadow Clark) Think of the vast amount of time that students spend in school. But what do they come away knowing? They are taught very few life skills, so are they really prepared for the real world?
Why Nutritional Psychiatry is the Future of Mental Health Treatment
(Joyce Cavaye) A lack of essential nutrients is known to contribute to the onset of poor mental health in people suffering from anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and ADHD. Nutritional psychiatry is a growing discipline that focuses on the use of food and supplements to provide these essential nutrients as part of an integrated or alternative treatment for mental health disorders.
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On Becoming Free – What Are We Really Freeing Ourselves For?
(Gary Z McGee) Becoming free is creating your own virtuous system despite being outflanked by unvirtuous systems controlled by unvirtuous men. It is cultivating a healthy way of living despite the unhealthy ways of unhealthy men. It’s becoming so “absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion” (Albert Camus). Then it’s building “a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” (Buckminster Fuller).
Hugging After A Fight Can Make Everyone Feel Better, A New Study Says
(Carolyn de Lorenzo) Let’s face it: Relationships have their ups and downs. Even in the best scenarios, disagreements, misunderstandings, and conflict can flare up from time to time. There’s also pretty much no one who doesn’t encounter various forms of stress on a semi-regular basis. And everyone encountering this kind of distress is 100 percent looking for something that can make them feel better after the fact. Well, according to a new study from the Department of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, something as simple as a hug can help calm you down after encountering a fight or stressful situation. Isn’t that just a breath of fresh air? I think so, too.
The Game of Trademark, Copyright, and Intellectual Property — Play or be Played | Clearing Misconceptions About IP
(Justin Deschamps) The issue of intellectual property is a contentious topic for many reasons, partially because the notion of “owning an idea” is generally an affront to freedom-minded people. Rightly so, given intellectual property laws have been abused by large corporations, like Monsanto, that sue farmers for having patented genetic material on their land—some claim, even if it wasn’t intentionally planted. Despite this, the current system of intellectual property can be used for good, and has by many small time content creators. Given the importance of this topic, addressing some misconceptions would be helpful.
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Russian Scientists Discover Bacteria that Neutralizes Nuclear Waste
(Geopolitics) Russia does it again! In another groundbreaking feat, Russian scientists found a way to neutralize nuclear radioactivity through bacterial intervention. This is exactly in line with their previous announcement about an industrial method pertaining to the transmutation of elements via biochemical approach.
Restore Soil and Heal Humanity | Simple Changes in Conventional Farming Practices, Particularly Those That Repair Soil, Could Be the Key to Feeding the World
(Isabelle Z.) Not surprisingly, the promises that GMOs would save the world from hunger have failed to materialize. In addition to failing to make inroads in this serious issue, they’re also causing a slew of health and environmental problems. It’s clear that a different approach is needed, and it looks like one of the simplest solutions could end up being one of the best.
First Ever Glyphosate Strip Tests for Food and Water Enable Affordable Home Testing
(Sustainable Pulse) The first ever home-use strip tests for identifying glyphosate residues, have been released to the public on Wednesday. It is now possible for people everywhere to find out whether the world’s most used weed-killer is in their food or water, in the comfort of their own homes.
Internet Freedom Breakthrough? Father of World Wide Web Launches Radical Startup to Take Back the Internet from Google & Facebook
(Matt Agorist) A revolutionary startup was recently announced by the “father of the world wide web” which plans to radically decentralize the internet to give it back to the people.
MUST READ: The Lost Cures (a.k.a. Where Have All The Cures Gone?)
(Tracy Kolenchuk) It’s time to put the word “cure” back into medical dictionaries.
Where have all the cures gone? We used to think that insulin was the cure for diabetes, but now we know better. We used to cure infections with antibiotics, but now we’re not so sure it’s a good idea to medicate every infection. We used to cure warts with the strangest things, but now warts appear to be incurable. Are we losing the fight against disease?
No Need for Drugs: Parent Education Proven an Effective Solution for Many ADHD Challenges
(Rhonda Johansson) Evidence-based parent-teacher-children training programs have recently been proven to be effective not only in preventing child delinquency in later years but in reducing the symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among three to eight-year-olds.