(Exploring Your Mind) Buddhism has an inspiring way of understanding life, the environment, and the relationship we have with others. That is why we wanted to make a compilation of its best phrases.
Flame Retardants Linked to Autistic-Like Behavior, Research Finds
(Science Daily) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, are a class of fire-retardant chemicals that are ubiquitous. They are found on upholstery, carpets, curtains, electronics, and even infant products. Flame retardants migrate out of products into dust that humans contact and can ingest. Considered to be global environmental pollutants, they have been detected in water, soil, air, food products, animals, and human tissues. They are found, too, in breast milk of women all over the world.
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How Hypnotists (And Mass Media) Hack Your Mind to Control Your Behavior
(Dylan Charles) I’m a committed advocate of freedom, personal liberty, pharmaceutical free health, bodily autonomy, and free-thinking, which, apparently, puts me at odds with the majority. As shocking as it is, these basic standards of a good life, which have governed humans for centuries, are suddenly being portrayed as selfish and even dangerous.
How To Self-Overcome Like Friedrich Nietzsche
(Gary Z McGee) In German Überwindung means self-mastery, or self-overcoming. Überwinden means to overcome. Mensch means man, or human. So ‘Self-overcoming Human’ seems to be the most accurate translation of Übermensch.
It’s Okay To Say “NO” To Others!
(Dr. Michelle Kmiec) When you can forgive yourself for past mistakes, and begin to fully accept your authentic self (who you really are under all those false personas you have accepted as your true self), then it becomes easier to achieve anything in life.
Masking: Putting on a Mask to Fit In
(Exploring Your Mind) In order to fit in socially and be considered “normal” in our daily environment, we need to comply with certain unwritten “rules”. Therefore, we might choose the option of masking which can sometimes prove to be both a help and a hindrance.
Friends Who Ghost You, Why Do They Do It?
(Exploring Your Mind) Ghosting (leaving someone without explanation) doesn’t only occur in romantic relationships. In fact, it’s also common among friends. Furthermore. it’s just as painful.
Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform
(Nwo Report) Social psychologist Roy Baumeister begins his bookEvil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, with a proposition that will be counterintuitive to many: “Evil usually enters the world unrecognized by the people who open the door and let it in. Most people who perpetrate evil do not see what they are doing as evil.”
Instagram Influencers Show How Fake Social Media Really Is
(Mayukh Saha) Social Media makes up for a big part of our lives today. Social media platforms remain one of the most used tools for connecting with people. However, with the advancement of technology, there have always been concerns over how fake social media is. Take a look at the post here:
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How Pets Affect Your Health, According to Science
(Exploring Your Mind) It’s a proven fact that taking care of a dog, cat, or other species of animal is beneficial for you on many levels. As a matter of fact, there are several studies that analyze how your pets affect your health, and the results all agree that they improve both your life and your psychological well-being.
Top Considerations to Make When You’re Going Off the Grid
(Off The Grid News) Most people who have gone off the grid will say that it’s one of the best decisions they’ve ever made, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. Choosing to swap the life you currently have for an entirely different one is not a decision to make lightly, and a lot of thought and planning has to go into it.
Losing Yourself is Good for Your Mental Health
(Holly Barker) It is 3 am and I can’t sleep. For some godforsaken reason, my brain is playing Gwen Stefani’s Hollaback Girl on repeat. In between verses, I’m taking inventory of my refrigerator while replaying every conversation I had that day. For someone who isn’t massively talkative, my internal narrator has a bad case of verbal diarrhoea.
Talking to Strangers is Good for Your Brain
(Exploring Your Mind) Sometimes, when talking to a stranger you feel freer. Almost without knowing why, you find in that person from outside your environment, a figure in whom you might entrust certain things without fear of being judged. Has this ever happened to you?
The Fear of Disappointing Others
(Exploring Your Mind) We all feel the need to be accepted and recognized. However, you should never put yourself in the position of meeting others’ expectations to the detriment of yourself.
Sociopaths Frequently Succeed in Competitive Environments
(Exploring Your Mind) Sociopaths don’t mind lying or manipulating others if it achieves their goals, especially in competitive environments.