(Ryan DeLarme) The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial has provided an uncomfortable peek into a world that exists behind the outward public facade of certain elite social circles. It has presented us with stories of how predators in high places manipulate the young and vulnerable, warping the natural boundaries of what they perceive as acceptable and unacceptable in regards to their sexuality. The Epstein and Maxwell saga has called into question the alleged secret lifestyles of many wealthy and influential people. But what if the accuser’s memories themselves are called into question instead?
Mass Psychosis in the Age of COVID
(Ryan DeLarme) As of February 2021, it is now a hard medical fact that fear-inducing information repetitively spread through mass media can and does adversely affect the general public’s mental health in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria. In this article, we will explore the realities of mass psychosis and consider whether or not our society is currently experiencing a collective mental disorder.
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5 Ways You Can Combat Morning Anxiety
(Kendra Beckley) It’s easy to let your busy schedule cause you to feel anxious right as you are starting your day. Worrying about all the tasks you need to complete is normal, but it results in unnecessary stress. This is a huge reason as to why many of us aren’t morning people. Though it’s challenging, there are ways to work around these overwhelming feelings. Here are five ways that can help you combat your morning anxiety.
Children With Greater Self-Control Become Happy Adults
(Valeria Sabater) Educating children in impulse control from an early age will allow them to become adults who are able to regulate their behavior, relate to others more successfully, and work more appropriately to achieve their goals.
Smile More Often. You’ll Feel So Much Better.
(Exploring Your Mind) The smile is a simple but powerful tool. It helps you to be happier and healthier and to enjoy your relationships with others. We tell you about its benefits.
The Turing Test: Differentiating Between a Human and a Machine
(Valeria Sabater) Can machines think? This is the question Alan Turing presented in the article on his famous test, designed to differentiate a human from an artificial entity.
What to Eat (and Drink) for Better Sleep
(Ocean Robbins) Thomas Edison hated sleep. Sleeping, he argued, was unproductive, while working was productive. He grudgingly gave himself four hours a night, and insisted that his employees do the same, arguing that it was only those willing to stay awake all hours who would come out on top in a technologically advancing world.
MINDSET: This One Factor Is the Difference Between Defeat and Opportunity
(Jayne Rising) In uncertain times, how we cope becomes very important. The choices we make can literally make or break us. Beneath those choices lies a mindset. How we think creates a great deal of our reality. Not all to be sure, but how we think is the factor that decides whether we choose yoga and breathing to manage our stress, or alcohol & other drugs. Our mindset makes all of the difference between seeing defeat and opportunity.
These Personality Traits May Make You More Prone to Problematic Binge-Watching
(Neuroscience News) Once upon a time, TV viewers had to wait patiently each week for a new episode of their favorite series to drop. Streaming services have upended that model, allowing unfettered access to an entire season-worth of episodes – unleashing the phenomenon known as binge-watching.
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The Importance of Forgiving Yourself
(Exploring Your Mind) Being able to forgive your own mistakes, and to assume them as an inherent and necessary part of evolution, is essential for your self-concept and personal growth.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris To Go ‘Woke’ in ‘Disney Revamp’
(Jeanne Smits) The man who is creating the blueprints for Notre Dame’s makeover, Fr. Gilles Drouin, is a teacher of liturgy and an enthusiastic detractor of the traditional rite.
Brain Noise: What is It and How Does It Affect You?
(Exploring Your Mind) Your neurons talk to each other constantly. In fact, the electrical activity they generate forms a permanent and unpredictable ‘noise’ that neurologists are trying to understand.
Do Animals Have a Sense of Humor? Science Says Yes
(Exploring Your Mind) What does science tell us about humor in animals? Everything seems to indicate that some species do have one. However, what does this imply?
Psychologist On CBS Morning Show Tells Viewers To Give Guests Rapid COVID Tests On Thanksgiving…Serve Them Food In Garage While They Wait For Results [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) Yesterday, during a segment on CBS Morning, panel members discussed ways to keep friends and family from ruining Thanksgiving by spreading COVID to guests in their homes.
Four Foods to Improve Your Sleep Quality
(Exploring Your Mind) Do you want to sleep better? In this article, we talk about some foods that can help you do just that.