(Justin Deschamps) The issue of intellectual property is a contentious topic for many reasons, partially because the notion of “owning an idea” is generally an affront to freedom-minded people. Rightly so, given intellectual property laws have been abused by large corporations, like Monsanto, that sue farmers for having patented genetic material on their land—some claim, even if it wasn’t intentionally planted. Despite this, the current system of intellectual property can be used for good, and has by many small time content creators. Given the importance of this topic, addressing some misconceptions would be helpful.
SOPA.au: Australia is the Testbed for the World’s Most Extreme Copyright Blocks
(Cory Doctorow) It’s been three years since Australia adopted a national copyright blocking system, despite widespread public outcry over the abusive, far-reaching potential of the system, and the warnings that it would not its stated goal of preventing copyright infringement.
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I’m Standing Up. Will You Stand With Me For Liberty? — Teresa Yanaros
(Teresa Yanaros) This is the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, approved by Virginia’s legislature in 1791. How deeply has our country defaulted on this promise? Ideas and words that free the minds of the people have a history of being stifled, and that wave is about to break. With the uprise in censorship of alternative media outlets across the board, the need for speaking up is more vital than ever before. Why is it that attempts to silence our voices are increasing? What ideas are the people expressing that those in power desperately want to be eradicated from public consideration?
Ultimate Solutions: Why Psychology, Philosophy, and Law are the Keys to Ending Cabal Rule and a Golden Age
(Justin Deschamps) We live in a world where things are not what they seem. Most food is poison, education is mass indoctrination, politics is a corrupt beyond measure and the justice system breaks more lives than it restores.
Natural Law Part 5: This Man Is Claiming His Scotland District As Sovereign Territory
(Richard Enos) Stuart Hill is a resident of Shetland, ‘Scotland.’ Scotland is in quotation marks here because Hill believes that Shetland is not, and never was, a part of Scotland. Nor does he think it is part of the UK, or the European Union, for that matter.
Lazy Man’s Guide to the Last 150 Years in America — Anna Von Reitz
(Anna Von Reitz) 1861 — a bogus mercenary “conflict” begins on our shores, and the perps pass it off on us as a “Civil War” even though no war was ever declared by our Congress and no Peace Treaties ever signed. It’s a con and a set up for more fraud games.
The Paradox of Freedom and Justice — Morality Limits You But Makes Others Free
(Justin Deschamps) Freedom and justice are intimately linked. The freedom to do anything, from a lawful perspective, is derived from the fact you have rights, the same rights that other people have. Justice serves as the mechanism to ensure the rights of the individual are restored when violated. The laws of morality guide this process, but unlike natural laws, which are automatic in enforcement, moral laws have to be enforced by people.
Natural Law (Part 4): This Man Explains How To Take Down The Corporatocracy
(Richard Enos) After going into detail about the concept of Natural Law in the first 3 articles (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), we are now ready to bring our understanding into the application of Natural Law in the real world. For those of us in the awakening community who feel that there is ‘something wrong’ about the system we seem to be trapped in, but can’t really wrap their head around what it is exactly, this article and the imbedded video below may contain the most important information you’ve ever heard.
Nestle Says Requirement to Report Use of Slave Labor Would Cost Consumers More Money
(Matt Agorist) A new anti-slavery bill requiring companies to investigate and report on their supply chains to prevent modern slavery will lead to consumers paying more, according to Nestle.
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Analysis of Q Anon — Did Q Really Take Out McCain and Spy Satellites and GCHQ, CIA, and NSA Computers?
(Justin Deschamps) The following is an analysis of some of the latest Q Anon information related to the claim that spy satellites and supercomputers were taken out by White Hats last week.
Blueprint for a Better World Through Understanding ET Contact and Culture (Law, Trust, Rights, Civilizations, and Golden-Age Societies) by Justin Deschamps
Justin Deschamps analyzed dozens of contact experiences and extraterrestrial information looking for a blueprint that can be used to understand what we can do to realize an enlightened society. He draws from works like the Law of One, Urantia Book, ET contactee testimony, mainstream history, science, philosophy and more, synthesizing and distilling these works for their most essential components.
Natural Law (Part 3): Moving Beyond Enslavement
(Richard Enos) So far, our discussion has revolved around the capacity of human beings to create, in adherence with the principles that govern Natural Law. This capacity, when taken in the aggregate, makes us collectively responsible for the world that has been made manifest today. And looking at the world today, it is pretty safe to say that we have been party to our own enslavement, and on a collective level we still continue to sit idly by while our rights and freedoms are increasingly taken away.
State Senate Passes Landmark Bill to Erase Criminal Records of People Arrested for Cannabis
(John Vibes) A bill passed the Senate in California which would retroactively wipe away cannabis convictions and give people back their lives.
Natural Law (Part 2): Spending Our Spiritual Currency Wisely
(Richard Enos) In Part 1, we discussed how we collectively manifest our world into being, subject to the 8 principles of Natural Law. In his Natural Law Seminar, Mark Passio explains how the 8th principle, Care, is so essential to the process of collectively bringing the world we actually want into being.
Natural Law (Part 1): A Reformed Satanist Illuminates Our Natural Power To Create
(Richard Enos) If I could recommend only one Youtube video for truth-seekers in the CE community, it would undoubtedly be Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar. It is a passionate, harsh and highly enlightening seminar in which reformed Satanist Mark Passio does an excellent job explaining and demystifying the fundamental grounds for the rights of all sentient beings in the universe: Natural Law. I don’t necessarily agree with all the minutiae of what he says, and you may not either. You may even be put off by his harsh, direct presentation style. However, I believe that his overall perspective and lucid articulation does the best job I’ve ever seen of encapsulating this very complex subject.