Prolific researcher Richard Dolan produced a must see 10 episode series called , covering a wide range of historically provable cases, methodology, and current techniques that are essential for truthers to know. Whether you consider yourself an expert or a novice in this subject, this is a series you won’t want to miss. It will undoubtedly provide you well-researched talking points to share with friends and family, those who are willing to listen to the truth and take up the call to end the destructive practice of false flag social engineering. We must spread awareness about this subject so more people aren’t victimized by corrupt power hungry groups, for knowledge is the only immunization against deceit.
The Dark Occult Season of Sacrifice is an approximately 40-day window beginning on March 19th and ending on May 1st, typically a time when false flags take place. The 13 Days of Preparation is another window wherein the lead up to one of the biggest occult holidays, May Day or Walpurgisnacht on May 1st, also sees a rise in false flag activity. There is an extensive body of research to suggest that the powers that should not be practice a form of astrology, and as such, plan their mass manipulation events during these periods. Mark Passio is one figure in particular who has provided an extensive and unparalleled body of research on the astrotheological nature of geopolitical events.
Related Mark Passio and the Dark Occult Season of Sacrifice
Related Possible False Flag Between April 19th and May 1st — 13 Days of Preparation Starts NOW
For those who may not be aware, false flags are not a new phenomenon. They’ve been used throughout history, usually by those who benefit from war—the aristocracy or the hidden financial powers behind them.
What is a False Flag?
A false flag is also known as a deceptive indication and warning, wherein an event is allowed to occur or is manufactured in some way as a kind of theater for the public, compelling them to believe the enemies highlighted in the event are a clear and present danger. The true perpetrators of a false flag event often hide behind the scenes, using scapegoats or patsies.
False flags are a form of social engineering that sometimes use centralized planning to organize and steer social change toward a preconceived outcome.
False flags have been used to justify wars, institute policy changes, and alter public opinion for use in some other agenda. One of the most widely accepted and recognized false flags was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used as a pretext by the US to enter the Vietnam War.
Richard Dolan’s series is an extensive body of research, psychology, and most especially, suggestions for how the public might navigate these events.
Watch for FREE the first episode of False Flags with Richard Dolan. (Click Image below)
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An important note is that the tactic of producing a false flag is not only to target people who are harmed in an event, although this is obviously of part of it. The point is to target the people in general, the bystander in that they watch what happens and have their perception of reality altered as a result.
Although false flags might be forms of deception, the event themselves are, in almost all cases, very real—people actually die or are hurt. Although it can be argued that in rare cases events are completely staged.
And most importantly, even if an event is mostly staged, the emotional damage and harm inflicted on those bystanders that witness these events, as propagandized by the media, is definitely real. That’s the whole point.
If you can make people believe something alarming has happened, something that exposes an individual to a malevolence that threatens their life or way of seeing the world, the resulting psychological damage is severe and traumatizing. This will compel them to accept any solutions that are offered by the perpetrators of the false flag.
False Flags as a Grand Illusion
Think of it like this.
An illusionist uses various forms of stage-theater to make the audience believe they are doing something fantastic or possess some kind of magical power. They might make large objects disappear, they might cut a stagehand in half, or they might use mentalism to make the audience believe they are psychic or can read minds.
False flags are very similar.
The world stage is where illusory events play out for the public to observe, who have their perceptions altered in such a way that they believe something to be real that might not actually be true.
Remember illusion here doesn’t mean unreal, it means that the official story, blamed party, or solution offered isn’t a complete and accurate representation of all the facts, thereby creating a false or misleading perception.
Examples of False Flags
One of the most well known false flag events, among conspiracy researchers, is the September 11th, 2001 attacks.
The damage from that day was blamed on Islamic terrorists and resulted in the passage of the Homeland Security Act along with the War on Terror campaign, of which the War in Afghanistan is the longest military conflict in US history—with no end in sight. Trillions upon trillions of dollars have been spent making military contractors extremely rich, all made possible by traumatizing millions of Americans and arguably billions of people worldwide.
Another variant of the false flags technique employs organic events and spin campaigns, using mainstream media, to sway public opinion in one way or another. This is more akin to social engineering.
There might be a shooting involving illegally purchased handguns in which the media would report the story in such a way that it would lead viewers to believe gun-control measures might have stopped the shooting. Or it might involve the use of statistics that have been carefully manufactured so as to mislead the public about an issue or problem.
To prove this point that the media are essential for false flag success, earlier this year, Sinclair Broadcasting Group, who owns 193 TV stations and local new service outlets across the US, participated what could have been the largest synchronized news broadcast in history. Synchronized, in this case, means different local news stations, in different parts of the country, read the same news copy or script to millions of watching Americans but presented the script as if they had produced it locally.
Watch Ben Swann discuss Sinclair event in the below video.
The Sinclair scandal helps one understand how the media is used to manipulate the minds of the public.
The claim that “fake news … is extremely dangerous to our democracy” cites an enemy people should be concerned with—fake news and those who produce it. This campaign touches upon a deeprooted belief that people shouldn’t let liars tell lies. But the problem is who determines what fake news is?
Many mainstream outlets have openly reported false stories, while even more have been complicit in pushing propaganda that plays a role in steering public opinion, particularly with respect to false flags.
Related History of Mass Mind Control – The Century of Self Full Video
The likely agenda of this “false flag” was to paint anyone who doesn’t share information from official sources as a “fake news” criminal, thereby cultivating a desire for people to call for government intervention. After all, fake news is dangerous to our democracy, a clear rallying cry for war against dissenting opinion, research, and alternative media.
To use a gun analogy, the media are the barrel of the gun.
The bullet, the manner in which the information is packaged and shared.
The target is you, the watcher; your mind, your beliefs, and your emotions.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, while overt examples of false flags are easier to recognize, the methods of social engineering, deceptive indications, and warnings, are almost everywhere.
It could be argued that almost everything you read or hear about from official sources, be they news services, universities, medical journals, research studies, movies, tv shows, and so on, all have an effect of distorting the perception of the audience. Social engineering and mind manipulation is so pervasive in societies across the world and throughout history that it often goes unnoticed.
But understanding false flags, especially as presented by Richard Dolan, people can better understand the endemic use of social engineering in our world today.
As a final note, remember that the target of propaganda, false flags, and social engineering is your mind.
Your ability to discern information is essential. This is the practice of carefully considering large bodies of eclectic information, evaluating the veracity of claims using logic and empirical evidence, and drawing flexible conclusions that are capable of being changed when new evidence is identified.
Mind manipulation techniques only work when you stop thinking critically about what you’re presented with.
Thus, simply being exposed to propaganda doesn’t automatically mean you’re being manipulated, so long as you’re actively thinking. As a matter of fact, you can often use propaganda and mainstream media to understand how the powers that be want you to think—a form of intelligence gathering. From here the task is to develop and master your discernment, to actually think carefully and honestly about what you believe, and why.
If you don’t know why you believe what you do, if you can’t consciously present a valid case or argument, building on coherent logic, then it’s likely your at worst a victim of mind manipulation and social engeenering or you just haven’t thought carefully enough about your preconceived beliefs.
With a well refined discernment technique in hand, you’ll easily deflect attempts to engineer your perceptions. And by encouraging others to do the same, you help play your part in a global struggle for freedom.
We’re in an information war, one designed to destroy the living truth in the hearts and minds of the people. But with your help, we can turn the tide and make the world a better place.
It all starts with you!
– Justin
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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Given Richard Dolan’s attempt to discredit Corey Goode and Michael Salla, as well as his education at Illuminati educational institutions, I wonder, is he a mole?
we don’t live in a democracy and we do not want to. we live in a constitutional republic, far and away a better way to give a voice to vast areas of the country that are unwilling to follow the dictates of the few large big blue welfare bankrupt states. but let’s not forget that the serious national emergency declared in 1933 was never rescinded and i believe we have been under martial law ever since