Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 19th of October has been updated with the full article. Click here to read full report.
Below is a brief preview of the remaining portion of the update.
In any case, a massive campaign to cut off all remaining sources of Nazionist finance is continuing. The Taliban in Afghanistan is aiming to shut down their heroin business. The South American drug lords are no longer supplying funds to the Nazionists, according to Vatican sources. Visible proof of this was seen last week when top Bush and Nazionist agent in Honduras, Jaime Rosenthal, was indicted by the Treasury Department for laundering drug money.
The government of Honduras has also seized his assets. The Cuban and Columbian governments are also intensifying their cooperation in the campaign against Nazionist drug running. Pentagon and CIA white hat sources are saying that both Citibank and the Bank of America will be “taken down” for laundering Bush CIA money.
Once the illegal drug money laundering is shut down, drugs will be legalized, regulated and taxed. The false and doomed “war on drugs” will thus be wound down.
In Canada too, an election today is expected to finally remove the corrupt Bush Nazionist agent Stephen Harper from government. Because of the nature of Canadian Parliamentary voting, Harper was able to stay in power for a decade despite never getting more than 40% support. A recent opinion poll shows that 61% of Canadians think Harper should be subject to a criminal investigation.
It is a good bet this will happen as Canada finally (we assume) shakes off the shame of having been ruled by that odious monster.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, revenue from stolen oil, the other main Nazionist source of financing, continues to be shut down. Bush CIA and ISIS drug, weapons and slave bases in Syria and Iraq continue to be destroyed even as their oil facilities are being confiscated. This is the ongoing work of a Pentagon, Iranian, Russian, Syrian and Yemeni etc. coalition. Pope Francis also convinced the Cubans to send troops to Syria to protect their fellow Christians from persecution.
Benjamin Fulford – October 19th 2015: World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist
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