(Victor Lewis) An anon recently posted a set of “Q Fundamentals” on the increasingly popular free speech platform Gab, outlining several key points that the Mainstream Media hit machine seem to have trouble comprehending.
by Victor Lewis, March 25th, 2021
Gab, maybe you’ve heard of it?
The alternative social media platform reviled by the Fake News and Big-Tech conglomerates has become one of several homes for a growing contingent of patriots. Among the endless stream of shared articles and memes, you will see personal insights from fellow free-thinkers who share their interpretations regarding the silent war to save the republic.
One such user recently laid out a set of “Q fundamentals” which speaks to the huge disconnect between the reality of the Q movement and its misrepresentation in the media. Take a look:
1. There is no such entity as “Qanon” — there are anons and then there’s Q. Critics who lambaste “Qanon” are essentially bitching and moaning about an entity that straight up doesn’t exist.
2. Q told us that there will be a Great Awakening, but did not say when. Ergo, there is no “due date” for the Great Awakening. Ergo, we are NOT “past due” for it.
3. All Q ever did was help us make connections and offer breadcrumbs, and then the resulting “Q” narratives and predictions were created by us anons — not by Q. I have never seen a “Q critic” comprehend this fact. Hell, most critics couldn’t even tell you what 4chan/8kun is in the first place.
4. Essentially, the Q drops empowered independent researchers to develop a positive interpretation of events that would’ve otherwise crushed many people’s spirits. Ignorant detractors claim that Q pacified everyone using false hope — and yet, not only has Q prompted TONS of activity, research, and information-sharing among Patriots, but those who have desperately tried to “black pill” have, in most cases, proven themselves to be the true agents of passivity by trying to crush people’s hope. (Define projection…)
5. Owing to the fact that Q did NOT tell us everything, and did NOT give us specific dates for specific events, this means that we independent researchers have plenty of room to make our own original contributions to the evolving narratives — in other words, we are not merely here to sit and passively read drops. We have been empowered to make highly detailed and effective contributions towards winning the Great Narrative Wars — by it’s very design, the Q operation is NOT about idolizing Q or Trump but rather is about HARNESSING the collective intelligence of us all, so that the ultimate victory is in the hands of the America people, and NOT any one particular figure.
None of these basics are difficult to comprehend — this should all be self-evident to those who are capable of plainly seeing what’s right in front of them.
In another post, the same anonymous user and Jordan Sather elaborate on infiltration by self-proclaimed “insiders”:
Good reminder
Case in point — saw a supposed “insider” from 4chan reposted in the Q group. Dude posted prior to the election and claimed the election would be stolen successfully, and that all us Q followers are on the sealed indictments and WE’RE the ones that are actually going to jail/gitmo/etc. Seems credible, right?
Only problem is a) one does not need to be an “insider” to surmise from Q drops that a stolen election could very well be on the horizon, and b) how could so many sealed indictments be created PRIOR to the Q movement itself, if these so-called indictments are targeting Q followers specifically?
Sadly, these fear-mongering rumors got some traction today and probably demoralized a few people.
The takeaway is this: if someone is trying to rile you up and get the best of your emotions, it’s because your emotions are a valuable resource to that person/entity, for whatever reason.
When someone goes out of their way to demoralize you, it often means that you have some upper hand in the power dynamic that they want to take from you. The NEED you to lose hope, courage, faith, humor, etc… and you, in turn, need to always ask, why?
If we’re all a bunch of pathetic rubes with no hope at defeating the NWO then demoralization campaigns would not be necessary. Never forget that!
Logic, facts, memes, courage, and faith — these things will see you through hard times frens.
This summer we are set to see Donald Trump’s very own platform go live. But in the meantime, if you have grown tired of the draconian “terms of service” on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, consider jumping on one of the alternative social medias. Gab is just one of many.
Related Trump to Start Own Social Media Site, ‘Trumper’, This Summer
The site, unfortunately, does contain a percentage of what could be considered hate speech (both natural and inorganically injected). And we absolutely do not condone this type of behavior.
Fake Accounts Posting Offensive Statements to Censor and Target Q Followers
If you don’t know what a Sock Puppet Account is, you need to understand this to really get what’s happening.
When we say inorganically injected we mean that both civilian- and government-run fake accounts that infiltrate groups to slander, defame and destroy.
How does it work?
A group of Q followers forms organically on the internet. Fake accounts make their way into the group and begin posting all manner of offensive hate-speech, these days usually neo-nazi or anti-semitic posts, for the purpose of associating the group with socially reprehensible topics. Then, the media reports on the posts and claims that a group is a hate group. Then the government targets the people in the groups and social media censor the users. All justified on the basis of posts that organic members never actually made.
How do we know for sure sock puppet accounts are at work in Q groups?
That’s the thing, proving it in a court of law is extremely difficult. But there’s a way to tell: get to know organic members.
Writers with Stillness in the Storm have personally spoken to dozens of Q followers face-to-face at multiple events across the country. And we have never heard any anti-semitic rhetoric. Not once.
Another way to tell is that these fake accounts often know very little of the material and seem to post in such a way as to appear fake, like posting wildly offensive material that just so happens to get used to justify censorship and garner government attention.
Coincidence? We think not.
If you think all this is just “conspiracy theory” a Guardian article from 2011, Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media, reveals it’s quite real.
The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.
The ramifications of allowing censorship to run rampant as dictated by a ruling elite are far more destructive. To ensure transparency and freedom, perhaps it would be better for we as a people to develop the ability to NOT become offended at the drop of a hat by everything we may disagree with.
Disagreements are not hate speech.
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (5 Q Fundamentals the Fake-News Media Fails to Understand) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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