(Mayukh Saha) The chief medical officer of Canada recently put out a warning that won’t please many people. Dr. Theresa Tam warned people that if they want to get intimate, it is best to avoid kissing. And those who want to engage in sexual intercourse should wear masks. She also added that solo acts are the safest as the pandemic rages on.
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by Mayukh Saha, September, 5th, 2020
Her statement mentioned that vaginal fluids and semen are not common carriers of the coronavirus. But wear masks if you are engaging in sex with new partners often. The risks of contracting the diseases go higher with kissing.
One of the precautions against this deadly virus is social distancing. Physical distance is best for stopping the virus. Minimizing sexual encounters also adds to that. Forgo the kissing and avoid any face to face contact. Wear masks that fit snugly and cover both the mouth and the nose. Also, before you dive you, keep an eye out for symptoms in your partner and yourself.
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“The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone,” she added.
Dr. Tam believes sexual health contributes greatly to our overall health. Hence taking precautions and wearing masks now can save us from the virus. She urged her fellow Canadians to respect the progress they have made so far in dealing with this virus. And advised them to enjoy intimacy while respecting the safety guidelines.
Canada has been dealing with the pandemic relatively better than its neighbor. The whole wide world is reeling under the impact of the deadly virus and the following lockdown. As people spend more and more time indoors, they need some excitement. But whatever you do, make sure you and your partner both wear masks and be safe.
About The Author
Hey! Message me. I am Mayukh. I help people and websites with content, videos, design, and social media management. I am an avid traveler and I started living as a digital nomad in Europe since 2019. I am currently working on www.noetbook.com – a creative media company. You can reach out to me anytime: justmayukh@gmail.
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